It’s official: December has begun and so has the holiday season. Like many of you, I’ve just realised that it’s December. I’ve also just realised that it’s heeeerree!!! THE HOLIDAY SEASON. Party season is in full swing. Everywhere you turn, there are goodies, and drink and every sort of wonderful and tasty food. What’s a holiday season without all of these wondrous things to eat?
And every year we all say the same thing – “This year will be different, this year I’m not going to overdo it” and so on. Studies tell us that most people only gain a pound or two over this month long party. That’s great news….right??! After all, what is one pound? The bad news, however, is that most people never lose this pound. Over time, that one pesky little pound becomes three pounds becomes 20 pounds.
To help us all through the eating frenzy that is the holiday season, from now until the beginning of the new year, I will be posting a “Tip of the Day”. The goal of these tips is to help everyone keep some sanity in our eating habits throughout this month long party.
Yesterday one of my clients asked me how they could learn how to resist their favourite holiday foods, so this has become the basis of tip number 1:
Try switching your mindset from deprivation to mindfulness. Instead of thinking that you must resist all treats and goodies that you only get to try once a year, try focusing instead on enjoying these favourite treats to the fullest, savouring every morsel. That way you are more likely to pick and choose your favourites rather than indulging in every food on the table.